Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Search

I've been lazy, errrr, testing out this new search engine created to donate money to your favorite charity local or national.

Good Search, is a new way to search for what you need on the web (powered by Yahoo). I, personally, am a a die hard 'googler', but for a good cause I every-once-in-a-while use my Good Search tool bar and send a penny to the Union Gospel Mission of Seattle.

The cool thing about this search is that you can send your search money to ANY NP or School participating in the United States.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

For All You Debaucherous Donator's

Just Cauz is an really amazing group of Young Seattle Professionals who do all sorts of good good things for Our City. They do what I am trying to do but with a real web site, real events, and REAL success. And as my attempt to fit in with the "cool kids", I'll be HERE on April 5th.

I'll be at the Casino Night with my roommate and BFF. If you come, let me know, we can bet on Black 13 swig Vodka Tonics while planning our next step.

We Made it!


The GBNB team rocked the climb. Not only did we come at it with good spirits and a Gucci Hobo bag FULL of donations - we had Borat, a go-go dancer, a doctor and four other amazingly inspiring climbers!

The top tier of our team climbed in 15 min. The rest of us followed 3-4 minutes behind.

All in all the event was a success (we raised some serious dough, had a great time, and introduced people to new people who are now their own group of people).

GBNB is planning more "Get your ass in shape for a good cause" event for the future.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who donated on my behalf and to all of you who donated to the team. It sounds cheesy, but it's totally true - We worked hard because you shelled out. THANK YOU!

Here are a few photos. As soon as I retrace my steps and find my camera - we'll have more group shots and shots of group shots after the climb (we joined the stragglers form The Dash at Fado's for Whiskey, Rubens, Beer, and Butt Guitar)

Monday, March 10, 2008

One Step at a Time

We have decided to climb. The team name is Giving Back is the New Black. Email mail me at for the password. We'd love to have you all and haul your ass up a little over 1,300 stairs. And when we're all done, we can high five and hug and then go brag to our friends that we are 1,300 steps ahead of them for Bikini Season and have earned 1,300 new points with Karma.

We are fundraising like crazy. If you join the team, I ask you do your best to harass your co workers and family for at least $150.00 on your behalf. My personal goal? 500.00. I love a challenge so if you can beat me, I'll take you out to dinner. Promise.

And if you'd like to donate on my behalf, follow this link below. And if you do, I'll promise to think of you every step of the way.


Seattle, this week will be dedicated to Leukemia Fundraising and finding new volunteer opps in out city. I am on the phone and connected to email all week talking with coordinators, VP's, and other volunteers to find out what our city needs. And I promise to make sure the events, organizations and causes are varied.

Stay tuned. If you like Spring Cleaning, Babies, the Elderly, Animals, the Environment and in general have a brave and kind heart - you'll like what I'm putting together.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

See Sound Has a Heart of Gold

Check it out:

Tonight @ 5:30pm
Live Music and Silent Auction to support Leukemia and Lymphoba

Drink and Appetizers
Dancing and Mingling
Bidding and Winning

For a good Cause.

I'll be there right before my date. Hope to rub elbows with some of you!

See Sound Lounge in BellTown between 1st and 2nd on Blanchard.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Because I was born with Ovaries

I watch Oprah (when my schedule allows), today was one of those days. I happen to catch Drew Barrymore donating a check for 1 million dollars to The World Food Program. It's a mission that is close to her heart. A mission that she dedicated 2 years of her life to before she became an ambassador. The World Food Program was not impressed by Drew's Celebrity status or her pocket book. But they were impressed by her passion for children and the people in Africa.

We all know that Oprah gives back - for her, Giving Back is the New Platinum. But for you and I and you out there with an extra fifty-dollars in your pocket - you can make a difference for very little.

You all know I prefer to give back face to face, hold hands and lock eyes with the people you are helping. But, sometimes Program's need money. And with this one? It takes VERY little to do a WHOLE lot - One Cent a day, Fifty-Dollars a year can fill a child's cup.

Admittedly, I have a hard time clicking a few buttons on-line a feeling good about giving back. But Ms. Barrymore made a poignant statement on Oprah's show. She said "I know we all like to give locally, but we NEED to give globally too." I agree 100 percent. And I don't quite have the funds to fly my arse to Africa. So I'll be clicking HERE to make a difference.