Monday, February 25, 2008

If Yo Yo Ma and Dr. Seuss were to make a baby...

It may grow up to do something along the lines of THIS:

KING FM, the Seattle Classical music station is doing a drive for new or gently used Children's books and Classical Music CD's.

(maybe) Unlike you, I don't have a ton of used Children's Books or Classical Music CD's laying around (if they do a drive for washed up one-hit-wonders, that'd be awesome), but you know who does? Half Priced Books and they run anywhere between $1.50-$3.00/book. And the best part about this entire Book/CD Drive (errr, besides playing a role in expanding the creative horizons of children who may not have otherwise had this opportunity?) - the drop of location. You can drop your book or CD at any Cafe Ladro Locations. And when you do, have a soy latte and GIANT peanut butter cookie for me (they are the nearest thing to heaven we have in this city)

Half Priced Books Locations:

Greenwood: 9241 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle - (206) 297-6820
UDist: 4709 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle - (206) 547-7859
Capitol Hill: 115 Belmont Ave E, Seattle - (206) 267-7777

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sole Searching

We have a really exciting giving back opportunity in front of us. The wonderfully brilliant ladies over at Girl Power Hour have asked me to put the word out about Soles 4 Souls. It's a world wide organization that was organized in the wake of the Asian Tusnami. They also lend a hand after Katrina. And since becoming a real non-profit they distributed product to people in need in over 40 countries on 5 continents, including the U.S., Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Swaziland, Sudan, Uganda, Romania, Iraq, Peru, Thailand, and Nepal.

Next Thursday, February 21st, the ladies at GPH will be collecting shoes for Soles 4 Souls.

Here is where you come in...

THIS Sunday, February 17th, I'll be driving around collecting your donations, should you have any. Soles 4 Souls collects gently used mens, womens, and children's shoes. If you have donations, please email me at

Or should you feel obliged, come and join myself, Darnell, and a whole host of other ladies at TWIST (2313 First Ave, Seattle, WA 98121) in BellTown from 630-830pm.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Come on Climb the Stairs! Climb Them!

Woot Woot! (sorry, I've been bombarded by bad 90's one-hit-wonders lately)

Seattle, We're Climbing! Stay tuned for GBNB details, fundraiser's and fashion forward climbing attire.

It's going to be a good time, promise.

High-fives and Sweat Bands,